Sunday, 18 September 2011

radiohead - hail to the thief

radiohead - hail to the thief
year: 2003
quality: 320kbps (120mb)

track list:
1. 2 + 2 = 5 (the lukewarm)
2. sit down. stand up. (snakes & ladders)
3. sail to the moon (brush the cobwebs out of the sky)
4. backdrifts (honeymoon is over)
5. go to sleep (little man being erased)
6. where i end and you begin (the sky is falling in)
7. we suck young blood (your time is up)
8. the gloaming (softly open our mouths in the cold)
9. there there (the boney king of nowhere)
10. i will (no man's land)
11. a punchup at a wedding (no no no no no no no no)
12. myxomatosis (judge, jury & executioner)
13. scatterbrain (as dead as leaves)
14. a wolf at the door (it girl. rag doll.)

this is actually pretty comfortably my favourite radiohead album, which is strange since most of their albums are amazing. (what pablo honey?) the album cover is strangely awesome too, which i don't understand since it's pretty basic. i mean it's not on the same level as cynic album covers but it's just... cool. idk.

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